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The Carnot label

The Carnot label

Carnot STAR Institute is part of the Carnot Institutes network. This network currently includes 39 entities public research structures accredited and funded by the Ministery of Higher Education, Research and Innovation since 2006. Their primary vocation is to forge links between academic laboratories and the socio-economic sector, mainly through collaboration contracts.

Organised as a network, they offer a single-entry portal for companies with a clearly structured research range covering various activity sectors. The Carnot Institutes' compliance with the requirements imposed by accreditation (quality, professionalization) is regularly assessed.

Carte du réseau Carnot

Source : Carnot Network, 2019 Annual Report 

"Filières Carnot"

The 8 "Carnot filière" actions aim to enhance the impact of the Carnot institutes on innovation within French SMEs and ETIs by structuring the institutes' range of skills and technologies in response to requests from specific economic sectors. These actions were selected following a dedicated call for projects from "Investissements d'Avenir" as part of the "Valorisation-Carnot" program.

Carnot STAR coordinate the "FAST_SPOR'IN filière", alongside MICA and LETI Carnot, a public PIA-funded scheme concentrating on business innovation in the fields of Sport and Well-being. Thanks to the skills available in their research units, the institutes provide expertise in the fields of movement science, sensors and innovative materials.

Carte du réseau Carnot


Further informations on FAST_SPOR'IN